# @xstate/cli
这些 XState v4 文档不再维护
XState v5 现已推出!阅读有关 XState v5 的更多信息 (opens new window) 和 查看 XState v5 文档 (opens new window)。
¥XState v5 is out now! Read more about XState v5 (opens new window) and check out the XState v5 docs (opens new window).
@xstate/cli package (opens new window) 包含运行 typegen 的命令。目前它还很小,但我们计划添加许多很酷的功能。
¥The @xstate/cli package (opens new window) contains commands for running typegen. It's pretty small right now, but we're planning on adding many cool features.
# 安装
npm install @xstate/cli
npm install @xstate/cli
# 命令
# xstate typegen <files>
xstate typegen "src/**/*.ts?(x)"
针对 glob 运行 typegen。这将扫描每个目标文件,并生成一个随附的 typegen 文件。它还会将 typegen 导入到你的文件中,如 我们的 typegen 文档 (opens new window) 中所述。
¥Run the typegen against a glob. This will scan every file targeted, and generate a typegen file accompanying it. It will also import the typegen into your file, as described in our typegen documentation (opens new window).
确保将 glob 括在引号中,以便它正确执行。如果它没有用引号引起来,它将被解释为文件列表,而不是 glob。这会带来意想不到的结果。
¥Ensure you wrap your glob in quotes so that it executes correctly. If it isn't wrapped in quotes, it will be interpreted as a list of files, not a glob. This will give unexpected results.
# 选项
xstate typegen "src/**/*.ts?(x)" --watch
在监视上运行任务,监视更改的文件并针对它们运行 typegen 脚本。
¥Runs the task on a watch, monitoring for changed files and running the typegen script against them.
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