# @xstate/test

@xstate/test package (opens new window) 包含有助于任何软件使用 基于模型的测试 (opens new window) 的实用程序。

¥The @xstate/test package (opens new window) contains utilities for facilitating model-based testing (opens new window) for any software.

# 快速开始

¥Quick Start

  1. 安装 xstate@xstate/test

    ¥Install xstate and @xstate/test:

npm install xstate @xstate/test
  1. 创建将用于对被测系统 (SUT) 进行建模的机器:

    ¥Create the machine that will be used to model the system under test (SUT):

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

const toggleMachine = createMachine({
  id: 'toggle',
  initial: 'inactive',
  states: {
    inactive: {
      on: {
        TOGGLE: 'active'
    active: {
      on: {
        TOGGLE: 'inactive'
  1. 为机器中的每个状态添加断言(在本例中,使用 Puppeteer (opens new window)):

    ¥Add assertions for each state in the machine (in this example, using Puppeteer (opens new window)):

// ...

const toggleMachine = createMachine({
  id: 'toggle',
  initial: 'inactive',
  states: {
    inactive: {
      on: {
        /* ... */
      meta: {
        test: async (page) => {
          await page.waitFor('input:checked');
    active: {
      on: {
        /* ... */
      meta: {
        test: async (page) => {
          await page.waitFor('input:not(:checked)');
  1. 创建模型:

    ¥Create the model:

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { createModel } from '@xstate/test';

const toggleMachine = createMachine(/* ... */);

const toggleModel = createModel(toggleMachine).withEvents({
    exec: async (page) => {
      await page.click('input');
  1. 创建测试计划并运行覆盖范围的测试:

    ¥Create test plans and run the tests with coverage:

// ...

describe('toggle', () => {
  const testPlans = toggleModel.getShortestPathPlans();

  testPlans.forEach((plan) => {
    describe(plan.description, () => {
      plan.paths.forEach((path) => {
        it(path.description, async () => {
          // do any setup, then...

          await path.test(page);

  it('should have full coverage', () => {
    return toggleModel.testCoverage();


# createModel(machine, options?)

根据传入的 machine 创建抽象测试模型。

¥Creates an abstract testing model based on the machine passed in.

争论 类型 描述
machine StateMachine 用于创建抽象模型的机器。
options? TestModelOptions 自定义抽象模型的选项



TestModel 实例。

¥A TestModel instance.



# model.withEvents(eventsMap)

提供每个事件的测试详细信息。eventsMap 中的每个键都是一个对象,其键是事件类型,属性描述每个事件的执行和测试用例:

¥Provides testing details for each event. Each key in eventsMap is an object whose keys are event types and properties describe the execution and test cases for each event:

  • exec(功能):执行事件的函数。它有两个参数:

    ¥exec (function): Function that executes the events. It is given two arguments:

    • testContext(任意):任何上下文测试数据

      ¥testContext (any): any contextual testing data

    • event(事件对象):测试模型发送的事件

      ¥event (EventObject): the event sent by the testing model

  • cases?(事件对象[]):测试模型可以发送的此事件类型的示例事件对象。

    ¥cases? (EventObject[]): the sample event objects for this event type that can be sent by the testing model.



const toggleModel = createModel(toggleMachine).withEvents({
    exec: async (page) => {
      await page.click('input');

# testModel.getShortestPathPlans(options?)


¥Returns an array of testing plans based on the shortest paths from the test model's initial state to every other reachable state.



争论 类型 描述
filter function 如果应该遍历状态,则接受 state 并返回 true;如果应该停止遍历,则返回 false


¥This is useful for preventing infinite traversals and stack overflow errors:

const todosModel = createModel(todosMachine).withEvents({
  /* ... */

const plans = todosModel.getShortestPathPlans({
  // Tell the algorithm to limit state/event adjacency map to states
  // that have less than 5 todos
  filter: (state) => state.context.todos.length < 5

# testModel.getSimplePathPlans(options?)


¥Returns an array of testing plans based on the simple paths from the test model's initial state to every other reachable state.



争论 类型 描述
filter function 如果应该遍历状态,则接受 state 并返回 true;如果应该停止遍历,则返回 false

# testModel.getPlanFromEvents(events, options)

争论 类型 描述
events EventObject[] 创建计划的事件顺序
options { target: string } 具有 target 属性的对象,该属性应与事件的目标状态匹配

返回一个具有单个测试计划的数组,该测试计划具有从 events 生成的单个路径。

¥Returns an array with a single testing plan with a single path generated from the events.

如果最后输入的状态与 options.target 不匹配,则会引发错误。

¥Throws an error if the last entered state does not match the options.target.

# testModel.testCoverage(options?)


¥Tests that all state nodes were covered (traversed) in the executed tests.



争论 类型 描述
filter function 如果该状态节点应该被覆盖,则接收每个 stateNode 并返回 true
// Only test coverage for state nodes with a `.meta` property defined:

  filter: (stateNode) => !!stateNode.meta

# testPlan.description

测试计划的字符串描述,描述达到 testPlan.state 的目标。

¥The string description of the testing plan, describing the goal of reaching the testPlan.state.

# testPlan.paths


¥The testing paths to get from the test model's initial state to every other reachable state.

# testPath.description

测试路径的字符串描述,描述将到达 testPath.state 的事件序列。

¥The string description of the testing path, describing a sequence of events that will reach the testPath.state.

# testPath.test(testContext)

通过以下方式执行 testPath.segments 中的每个步骤:

¥Executes each step in testPath.segments by:

  1. 验证 SUT 是否位于 segment.state

    ¥Verifying that the SUT is in segment.state

  2. 执行 segment.event 的事件

    ¥Executing the event for segment.event

最后,验证 SUT 是否位于目标 testPath.state 中。

¥And finally, verifying that the SUT is in the target testPath.state.

注意:如果你的模型具有嵌套状态,则在验证 SUT 是否处于该嵌套状态时,也会执行该嵌套状态的每个父状态的 meta.test 方法。

¥NOTE: If your model has nested states, the meta.test method for each parent state of that nested state is also executed when verifying that the SUT is in that nested state.