# 计算器
这些 XState v4 文档不再维护
XState v5 现已推出!阅读有关 XState v5 的更多信息 (opens new window) 和 查看 XState v5 文档 (opens new window)。
¥XState v5 is out now! Read more about XState v5 (opens new window) and check out the XState v5 docs (opens new window).
# React
使用 React、@xstate/react 和 Xstate 4.x。
¥Uses React, @xstate/react and Xstate 4.x.
# Vue
使用 Vue 2.x、@xstate/vue 和 Xstate 4.x。
¥Uses Vue 2.x, @xstate/vue and Xstate 4.x.
基于 穆克什·索尼的早期作品 (opens new window)(React、Xstate 3.x)
¥Based on earlier work by Mukesh Soni (opens new window) (React, Xstate 3.x)
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