# 计数器
这些 XState v4 文档不再维护
XState v5 现已推出!阅读有关 XState v5 的更多信息 (opens new window) 和 查看 XState v5 文档 (opens new window)。
¥XState v5 is out now! Read more about XState v5 (opens new window) and check out the XState v5 docs (opens new window).
此计数器应用示例演示了一个具有单个 'active'
¥This counter app example demonstrates a counter that has a single 'active'
state and two possible events:
- 将当前计数增加 1 的意图¥
- an intent to increment the current count by 1'DEC'
- 将当前计数减 1 的意图¥
- an intent to decrement the current count by 1
是 存储在 context
¥The count
is stored in context
import { createMachine, interpret, assign } from 'xstate';
const increment = (context) => context.count + 1;
const decrement = (context) => context.count - 1;
const counterMachine = createMachine({
initial: 'active',
context: {
count: 0
states: {
active: {
on: {
INC: { actions: assign({ count: increment }) },
DEC: { actions: assign({ count: decrement }) }
const counterService = interpret(counterMachine)
.onTransition((state) => console.log(state.context.count))
// => 0
counterService.send({ type: 'INC' });
// => 1
counterService.send({ type: 'INC' });
// => 2
counterService.send({ type: 'DEC' });
// => 1
# 建模最小值和最大值
¥Modeling Min and Max
使用 guards,我们可以通过防止 'DEC'
和 'INC'
¥With guards, we can model min and max by preventing transitions on the 'DEC'
and 'INC'
events on certain values, respectively:
// ...
const isNotMax = (context) => context.count < 10;
const isNotMin = (context) => context.count >= 0;
const counterMachine = createMachine({
initial: 'active',
context: {
count: 0
states: {
active: {
on: {
INC: {
actions: assign({ count: increment }),
cond: isNotMax
DEC: {
actions: assign({ count: decrement }),
cond: isNotMin
// ...
// assume context is { count: 9 }
counterService.send({ type: 'INC' });
// => 10
counterService.send({ type: 'INC' }); // no transition taken!
// => 10
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